One of my favourite lecturers is Shaykh Abdal Hakim Murad. He speaks about the concept of Rida in this video, and it's one of the key lectures that I like to go back to time and time again.
May Allah SWT reward the Shaykh in both worlds. Ameen.
“There will enter Jannah people whose hearts will be like those of the hearts of the birds.” [Muslim]
"1. Reliance on Allah is one of the most important causes of getting sustenance in this life. Allah said: {And whoever fears Allah, He will provide him a way out and will provide for him from an unforeseen direction. And whoever relies on Allah, He is sufficient for him.}
2. Reliance on Allah does NOT mean not working and striving for sustenance in this life.
3. Tawakkul (reliance) on Allah is: The true reliance of the heart on Allah in the pursuit of acquiring that which benefits and avoiding that which harms in this life and the hereafter and the leaving these issues up to Allah along with the true belief that no one gives, witholds, harms or benefits except Allah Most High.
4. The fruit of tawakkul is the acceptance of Allah’s decree. Whoever leaves his affairs to Allah and then is accepting of what he is given has truly relied on Allah. Al-Hassan and others among the salaf defined tawakkul as ridhaa (acceptance)." [Source: Riyaad-as-Saliheen, Ch. 7]
"1. Excellence of trust in Allah and kindness of heart are most valuable qualities beause both of them are means to enter Jannah.
2. One should not worry much about one's food and means of subsistence. In fact, people should have hearts like birds who do not collect to keep in reserve anything and go out every mornign in serach of ..andfood and return to their nests fully satiated. This advice is repeated in another hadith to the effect that wehn birds leave their nests in the morning they are hungry but when they come back, their stomach are full and they do not need any more food.
3. It has been interpreted that such people are those who put their trust in Allah; another interpretation is that these people are tender-hearted.
4. Just as the hearts of birds are free from every tint of jealousy, in the same way the hearts of the people of Jannah will be free from jealousy, rancor, deceit, and hatred. Secondly, just as birds are always alert and cautious of any danger, in the same way the hearts of the people of Jannah will also be wakeful. Thirdly, trust as the birds trust in Allah for their food, in the same way the people of Jannah will have complete trust in Allah regarding their sustenance, rather, their very existence." [Source: Ibid.]May Allah make our hearts like those of the birds. Ameen.